McKaye has joined our team as a spokesmodel class 2009. We are happy to have this beautiful young lady as a part of our team.
Everyone is doing it. . . or are they? Trying to conserve or at least be conscious of the daily impact they have on the environment. Are we trying to get on the bandwagon?
The main reason we decided to only send two mailings has to do with the 200 plus mailing s we received last year when our daughter was a senior. We could wallpaper our entire house with the number of brochures and postcards we received. One studio sent no less then 12 cmailings. While we found it interesting to compare our work with others, it became obvious that it was truly a waste of paper on a grand scale. I actually asked one company to take her name off their list. Mulitiply the number of mailings you receive by the number of seniors in your class by the number of schools in your area. You get the idea.
While we think our photography sells itself, we aren't willing to push it on you over and over again. It really is time for a change. We appreciate the fact that you took the time to visit our website and view our images and philosophy. Please pick your photographer based on quality, reputation and your comfort price point. We hope you find that is us.
Rick DeCamp